We are Back! Book a 2 week trial today BUT JUST A FEW SPACES REMAIN

We are beyond excited to reopen for weekend small classes from September 25th and 26th in all centres!!

We have Socially Distant Drama Games, Socially Distant Warm Ups, Dance Classes in split pods at 2 metre distance. Some things have to be done a little differently, but the fun and passion for musical theatre training, dance and drama never stops!

So why not book a 2 week trial today on deposit and if not for your child/teenager, they may leave on week 3 or sign up for the term up to December 5th and 6th.

It’s that simple, call the office today on 091 556274 or 01 5563404 or email contact@stageschool.ie

StageSchool. Arts education for the next generation.


John Lucey