Soft Skills and why they matter..

The term “soft skills” is everywhere these days but what does it really mean? Soft skills are all about developing tools that aren’t specific to one subject, career path in life but are vitally important to excel in both school and third level for today’s generation.

These include good communication, social skills as well as teamwork, problem-solving, flexibility and time management. Many of these things can be developed through performing arts classes as working as a team, building empathy through putting yourself in character in rehearsals and learning to adapt to the needs of a performance piece are all vital both on stage and off it.

With restricted performing arts opportunities currently in mainstream education, finding extracurricular activities that allow your kids to build the skills that will see them development a positive attitude to learning and the soft skills they need to achieve success are crucial when it comes to academic success. At StageSchool Ireland we’re so proud to offer our students these skills and to support the next generation both in and out of school time. StageSchool Ireland. Arts education for the next generation.

John Lucey