Teenage Stage International Summer School is filling fast!
A big Hi to Olivia Feldman from beautiful Arizona in the US who will be joining us this summer.
Olivia has just finished a three week run of Sondheim's Into the Woods where they extended performances because it was a sold out run. She was Little Red as you can see! Olivia is extremely excited for Teenage Stage and can't stop talking about it. She actually has a countdown calendar in her room! July cannot come soon enough for her.
"Hello! My name is Olivia. I’m 15 years old, I live in Phoenix, Arizona but spend summers in New York City. I have attended musical theater sleep away camps for the last 5 years here in the US but this is my first time attending Teenage Stage International Summer School and I’m a little nervous but mostly so excited"
I am counting down the days and can’t wait to meet new friends this summer at Teenage Stage"