June news from Teenage Stage International Summer Schools
Covid-19 took our residential camps away this year and to say we will miss them, is an understatement.
It will of course never take away the amazing memories of fantastic young students, wonderful teachers and technicians, proud parents, inspirational guest directors and super boarding school teams.
We know how heartbroken many boys and girls are this year, but In life, out of bad comes good. Theatre and film courses will return better than before. Your talent, maturity and creativity will grow in the year ahead, as will your arts and film education. Stay positive. Keep busy. Eat well, look at a distance learning course or a new skill. Watch and read good plays. Musicals too. You learn by watching.
Go to an art gallery if you can by end of summer. Write down your thoughts in a monologue, share them with us or keep them private. Keep learning lines or writing screenplays. Dance and perform new songs for a virtual course. Be curious about the world around you. The Chinese say "may you live in interesting times"
Use this frustration and channel it back into school with renewed vigour to be the best student you can be.
For that alone, you will be a better singer, dancer, actor and film maker. Remember to like yourself. You are unique and you have a voice. What you bring to the theatre and our film set matters.
If we don't see you online this summer, we cannot wait to see you all in 2021.